

Clock Icon2022.11.02


[ JP / EN ]

クラスメソッド・ヨーロッパには、社員が任意の個人や組織の活動を支援することのできる、ソーシャルコントリビューションプログラムがあります。本年度では、Ana をはじめとする複数社員が、ウクライナの学校へ 2500 EUR (約35万円相当)を寄付しました。

















  • 生活や就職の相談
  • 生活物資の送付
  • 学習支援
  • 一時住居の提供
  • 養護施設卒業者のネットワーク作り



困難を抱えた当事者の子ども・若者に対して、一対一で継続的な支援(=伴走型支援)をおこなう「伴走者」をはじめ、子ども・若者の支援に携わるさまざまな団体・個人、協同組合、学識者などが連携をとり、①基金造成 ②助成金給付 ③就労・キャリア支援 ④調査研究・政策提言の4つの事業をとおして、子ども時代につらい経験をした子ども・若者たちをサポートしていきます。












現在 Readyfor でクラウドファンディングが行われていますので、これを読んで関心を持った方はぜひ少額でも支援いただけると幸いです。

養護施設や里親などの下で育った若者をサポートする!若者おうえん基金(若者おうえん基金 2022/08/29 公開) - クラウドファンディング READYFOR

We, Classmethod Europe has an employee benefit, called Social Contribution Program, which allows employees to support the activities of any individual or organization. This year, Ana and several other employees donated 2,500 EUR to a school in Ukraine.

This year I will be donating to the Wakamono Support Network (Tokyo Metropolitan Youth Supporting Network), which supports young people who grew up in foster care.

What is Wakamono Support Network?

Children who grew up with public support (social foster care), are required to leave that environment around the age of 18 and become independent.

The Wakamono Support Network collects funds and serves as a bridge between such young people and various organizations that support them.

We are a private network that supports children and youth who have grown up in foster homes, foster families, or under other public support for some reason, to demonstrate their own abilities and live in society.

We support young people who have experienced hardships in their childhood and their companions who assist them, by cooperating with citizens and private organizations. (Excerpt from website and translated)

Why do they need help?

Eighteen years old is a fresh ‘adult’, but usually you can't live on your own yet.

I too, left my parents' home after graduating from high school and started living alone, but I can’t say that I was independent already at the start.

I remember calling my parents and asking them about even trivial things in the beginning — like how to use the washing machine. I think I gradually became independent while feeling secure with knowing that my parents always supported me even with distance, both financially and psychologically.

Currently, there are approximately 42,000 children in Japan receiving social care, that means one out of every 500 children. (From their website, as of October 2022) Most of them have no parents or relatives to depend on as I did.

The backgrounds of those children are various, such as poverty, abuse, and bereavement of parents due to illness or accident. Among them, there are not a few cases in which they have some difficulties in their later lives due to painful experiences in their childhood, especially abuse.

For these young people who cannot be fully supported by existing systems, the Wakamono Support Network provides one-on-one continuous support (so called “companionship support”).

How does the org support them?

So that the "Companions" provide one-on-one continuous support to children and youth who are experiencing difficulties, we work with various cooperatives, academics, and other organizations and individuals. We will support children and youth who have experienced hardships in their childhood through the following four projects: (1) fund building, (2) grant provision, (3) employment and career support, and (4) research and policy advocacy. (Excerpt from website and translated)

The provided support services vary and these include, for example:

  • Consultation on daily living or employment
  • Delivery of daily commodities
  • Learning support
  • Providing temporary housing
  • Creating a network of foster home graduates

The Wakamono Support Network does not directly provide these services, but provides grants to each support organizations so they provide companionship support - tailored and continuous support to their youth.


Here is a case about a 20 year old who needed to leave an independent assistance home care even though this youth was not ready to be independent. (Excerpt from their crowdfunding page and translated)


A Youth A had been abused by his parents since childhood and suffered deep physical and mental trauma. He was able to escape from his parents and moved into a home care with independence assistance, which was subsidized by the Wakamono Support Network’s fund. However, he could stay there only for about six months, since he was required to leave the home care on his 20th birthday according to the rule. The young man did not yet have sufficient life skills to continue working in the society on his own. It was also difficult for him to save money enough to live by himself within such a short period of time.

Provided Support

In order to provide continuous support after leaving the home care, we rented an apartment near the home for A and covered some necessary expenses with a grant from our fund. These included the initial cost of the apartment, personnel expenses for accompanying support, transportation expenses, and food expenses. The transition to apartment living is only a step. As needed, we also accompanied him to a hospital, assisted with administrative procedures at the authority, and provided daily living support. With the aim for his full independence in the future, we will continue to provide this “companionship support” so that this youth can do what he can do on his own without being overly dependent on the home care's staff.


I got to know this organization through my friend, who is one of the directors of this executive office and had donated personally in the past. But I’ve got more interested in this subject - supporting youth in difficulties - since I myself got a baby last year.

Those young people from difficult backgrounds are suffering even more under the Covid-19 pandemic. I hope this blog helped you learn something about this topic and have a bit more of understanding to these people.

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